Powers - In light of the recent confirmation that renowned comic book writer/artist Brian Bendis is indeed shopping a treatment of his famous underground series Powers, we here at Film Squash decided to do a little digging and get some background info on the series. Originally published by Image Comics and eventually taken over by Marvel, the series focuses around the adventures of Detectives Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim. Set in a world where superheroes are part of everyday life, the two detectives navigate a seedy underworld in an effort to solve homicide cases directly related to the superhero world.
We're told that early word around the water cooler is that Bendis is shopping his treatment as a project with a Sin City type of vibe: apparently, he's pitched a gritty, toned down version of the series' first chapter, "Who Killed Retro Girl?", and studios are chomping at the bit to hear more of what he has to say. Bendis, of course, is one of the most critically acclaimed comic book writers of his generation, and with the huge upswing in the popularity of comic book movies it makes sense that studios would want to hear what he's proposing. We're also hearing that Bendis is aiming to help produce the film as well and that may be a sticking point for some studios who prefer to bring in their own people. Personally, we at Film Squash are huge fans of Bendis and believe that increased involvement on his part could help keep the film true to the fantastic source material that's being adapted here. The film will be a live action/CGI combination rather then an animated production.
Of course this wouldn't be a proper film blog if we didn't have some sort of juicy rumor or speculation to post in regards to which celebrities could be linked to the parts. One source close to Bendis said he had always imagined Canadian actor and former Firefly star Nathan Fillion as Detective Christian Walker, but we're also hearing that Aaron Eckhart and David Duchovny are being considered for the role. By the looks of these choices, it would appear Bendis would like the character to appear a little older then his comic book counterpart. No word on who will be reading for Deena Pilgrim just yet, but we here at Film Squash think that someone like Kristen Bell, which her noir background of Veronica Mars, could make for a very convincing Deena. Also no official word on who is being targeted to direct, but a rumored wishlist included both David Fincher and Edgar Wright. Fincher's dark, gritty style of filmmaking would fit perfectly with the pro-noir approach being lauded by Bendis, and although Wright just finished directing a much more light comic adaptation in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, he does have experience with darker subject matter from his satirical comedies such as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.
Captain America - In other comic book news, the first official image of Chris Evans as Marvel's Captain America was released this week. While previous set photos had revealed little to no knowledge about the differences between the live action suit and the famous comic book getup, this new image reveals a much more realistic approach then spandex and silver wings on his helmet. The modified flight suit and toned down army helmet look great, and we at Film Squash fully approve of the direction taken by Joe Johnston and his creative team. Captain America hits theaters July 22nd, 2011. (LINK)
Spider - Man - Wow, what a week for comic book fans. Not only do we get confirmation that a Powers movie is in the works, we get first image shots of Captain America and the new Spider Man! Here we have the first official image released of Andrew Garfield as the new Spider Man. He replaces Tobey Maguire as everyone's favorite web slinging superhero, and by the looks of the claw marks on the front of his suit, the rumors that the Lizard is the main villain may no longer just be rumors. We're hearing Rhys Ifans is indeed playing Dr. Curt Connors, aka The Lizard. And while we here at Film Squash are fully against the rebooting of a series so early, we just need someone to get the taste of the awful Spider Man 3 out of our collective mouths. (LINK)
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